Five Common Types of Personal Injury Claims

March 1, 2019

Thousands of personal injury cases occur in the United States on a daily basis.  If an injury occurs as the result of negligence or intentional acts of another party, the injured party may be entitled to compensation based on medical bills, lost wages, lost property, pain and suffering, etc.

Although personal injury covers a wide range of cases, they typically fall into one of five categories. The following are five common types of personal injury claims:

  1. Vehicle Accidents – In accidents involving two or more vehicles, at least one party is typically at fault. The person causing the accident may be responsible for losses incurred by other drivers due to the accident.

  2. Slip and Fall – Accidents happen, but in some cases they could be avoided with proper care and attention.  Real property owners(personal and business) have a responsibility to ensure their premises are safe and free of hazards. If a slip and fall occurs on a premises due to negligence, the injured party may be entitled to damages.
  3. Product Injury – There are times when a product is introduced to the market with a default.  However, if a defective product leads to injury or death of a consumer, the manufacturer or distributor of a product may be held responsible.
  4. Medical Malpractice – According to a recent study by Johns Hopkins, medical malpractice is the third-leading cause of death in the U.S. Many people do not realize that medical malpractice is a form of personal injury. If injury or death is the result of negligence or lack of care by a doctor or practice, they may be held liable for damages.
  5. Drug Injury – Prescription drugs undergo rigorous testing before being approved by the FDA. However, there have been numerous times that a prescription drug went to market with an unforeseen side effect that resulted in serious injury or even death. In these cases, the drug manufacturer may be liable for damages.

If you have questions about a possible personal injury, contact Potter Mariano today for a free consultation.

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